Did Dean of Libraries Adriene Lim violate the ALA confidentiality policy? 02/01/2015
Did Dean of Libraries Adriene Lim violate the ALA confidentiality policy?
This is obviously a very painful and professionally difficult bind for Ms Lim to find herself in, after just 6 months on the job.
Here’s Pres Coltrane and Dean of Libraries Adriene Lim at the Senate on Jan 28, talking about LibraryGate:
I asked for these presidential archives from the library because Dave Hubin’s Public Record’s Office has made it more and more difficult to get information about UO. Fees, delays, and redactions frustrate even the most simple requests. No transparency, no trust. I figured the Archives should have something. So I asked.
Both Coltrane and Lim say some encouraging things, about the balance between privacy and disclosure and the need for UO to improve its Public Records compliance. I’ve been talking to a lot of reporters this week, from Oregon and nationally. They say Oregon is the worst university they’ve ever dealt with when it comes to public records/FOIA.
My expectation was that this request to the library archives would be confidential. Oregon Public Records law contains a specific exemption for library circulation records, and the official ALA policy on library circulation records says:
The Council of the American Library Association strongly recommends that the responsible officers of each library, cooperative system, and consortium in the United States:
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