Eugene 4J school board holds closed meeting about open meetings law violation records 05/07/2015
5/7/2015 update: Edward Russo has the latest on HLGR’s accidental transparency here, complete with this classic quote:
“We deeply regret that appearance of a lack of transparency,” board member Beth Gerot said.
It’s a little difficult for me to wrap my head around the idea that 4J is still paying HLGR after the events described below – shouldn’t they be suing them for malpractice and a refund of the $21K in billable hours?
4/29/2015: Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick way too transparent with potentially incriminating public records
Bill Gary, Sharon Rudnick, and Randy Geller of UO’s HLGR law firm must be shitting their pants. I’m no lawyer, but sending a dump of emails that potentially incriminate your clients to the local newspaper, by mistake, seems unlikely to bring in the billable hours.
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