Your Voice Matters Now - Oregon Campaign Contribution Limits
Your Voice Matters Now - Oregon Campaign Contribution Limits: House Joint Resolution (HJR) 205 would refer to voters a state constitutional amendment restoring Oregon’s authority to limit campaign contributions. This is the single biggest thing Oregon can do right now to rein in money in politics, until we can fix the whole broken system at the federal level. But the 2016 session is just 5 weeks long. We’ll have to act fast.
” who was working with the USA Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1998-1999 & administred the power of attorney to have my sister signed it and add her son to the deed,”, without my signature!! Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!! ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!! I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!! Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!! Please sign petition.