The Israel Lobby Archive!
"Israel is a Jewish Bolshevik creation. From start to finish. Just as Soviet Russia was. And just as the United States has become.
Israel was a creation designed to give more than a national homeland for Jews and control of Jerusalem and the increasingly important Middle East of the Suez Canal and oil fields - it was a crime bunker and entry point for Soviet Communist penetration of the United States under the cover of a Biblical Israel which Christian Americans fell for and continue to fall for.
There is not a dimes worth of difference between Zionism (Jewish Nationalism) and Bolshevism {Jewish Internationalism). Communism one and all.
Now we see, as Lark attests, the "third way" emerging from THE SAME people, out of Israel, Communitarianism and the work of Ametai Etzioni. Technology for the Smart Cities-Gulags-Kibbutz - Israel. New Laws for the Smart Cities-Gulags-Kibbutz - Israel.
Israel is LITERALLY legally TIED to the United States and is now transferring its wealth, technology and even people - technology specialists - over to its sphere of influence, the new Rome, capital of the Pan Eurasian Belt & Road Initiative - Jerusalem. Greater Israel. Remember this article..."
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